Project CRITICAL aims to revolutionize emergency healthcare by integrating real-time telemedicine services via the BlueEye platform, which enables the transmission of video and biometric data from paramedics to hospital specialists. This project will conduct end-to-end experiments using 5G/6G networks and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to validate the platform’s ability to support emergency and home healthcare use cases. The project leverages 5G/6G network capabilities, such as low latency, secure data transmission, and high-reliability communication, compliant with GDPR standards, to evaluate the deployment of key healthcare use cases, including the Polytrauma Patient Pathway, enabling real-time, on-scene support for paramedics, and the Ambulance-Initiated Hospital-at-Home, which allows remote monitoring of low-acuity patients. Results from this study will contribute to European telemedicine standards and promote the adoption of integrated healthcare solutions across the continent.

The proposed solution is poised to impact IMAGINE-B5G on multiple levels:
- Management Level:
RedZinc stands as a provider of the innovative BlueEye platform, a comprehensive suite of video telemedicine services. BlueEye platform leverages advanced network capabilities to securely and efficiently transmit live video between different locations.
- Societal Level:
The project will address critical societal challenges by improving several key values indicators of emergency healthcare, such as reducing time-to-treatment, reduction of trips in low-acuity cases, and reduction of unnecessary hospital admissions.
- Technical Level:
The project will adopt an end-to-end perspective, focusing on the integration of IoT/Cloud/Edge Computing Environments, and will reduce key network parameters related to emergency medical care, specifically Energy Consumption, Safety and Security, and Coverage and Access
- Vertical Area(s):
Improved emergency patient pathways for paramedics needing doctor support
In summary, the CRITICAL innovative approach to emergency healthcare aligns with IMAGINE-B5G objectives, offering a comprehensive solution spanning management, societal, technical, and vertical dimensions.
This project has already started its work in the IMAGINE-B5G second open call. If you want to learn more about this and the other selected projects, stay tuned to our website and our social media channels.
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