
Results of Imagine-B5G First Open Call

November kicked-off the work of Imagine-B5G First Open Call Winners! 

Imagine-B5G successfully launched its first Open Call at the beginning of the summer and in spite of the slower season the project had great interest and acceptance of its challenges. 

Divided in two different types of projects – platform extensions (PE) or vertical experiments (VE), and with the possibility of applying to four different facilities – Norway, Spain, Portugal and France, the project summed up 68 submissions and was able to fund 15 projects. 

In November, all the selected projects were able to sign the agreements and some were able to start work within Imagine-B5G. The consortium takes great pleasure in introducing the 15 projects that were selected and the institutions that are developing them. 

Norway Facility: 

  • ALMA (Ai gLoves huMan Activity): 5G-enabled AI gloves as IoT sensor of human activity, a vertical experiment, by Mimetik UG 
  • LEOSED: Leveraging Edge Optical Sensing for Emergency Diagnostics, a VE, by Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, HWDU
  • AI4FS: Artificial Intelligence for Forest Surveillance, a vertical experiment, by iLink Nees Texnologies OE
  • 5G-NEPTUNE: 5G-and-beyond Network Extensions towards Public neTwork integrated non-pUblic NEtwork, a platform extension, by Athonet, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise acquisition

Spain Facility: 

  • ADAPT-5G: Advanced Drone-Assisted Port Technology with Augmented Reality and 5G Communications, a vertical experiment, by ETRA AIR, S.L and XReality Factory
  • AGRO4+5G: Agro-4.0 based on 5G, a vertical experiment, by QAMPO
  • DEMOCRATS: eDgE platforM fOr dynamiC xR applicATionS, a vertical experiment, by Office for Supported Research Groups (TKI) (TAMOGATOTT KUTATOCSOPORTOK IRODAJA)
  • BEST5G: Bidirectional Education System based on holographic cabins Through 5G Networks, a platform extension, by Aumenta Solutions 

Portugal Facility: 

  • Drone Care Angel (DCA): Mobile health monitoring as a service enabled by beyond 5G, a vertical experiment, by Load Interactive, Unipessoal Lda. (LOAD) and Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN)
  • SAFER-FLOW: Situational Awareness Framework Enabling Robust Emergency Response for Urban Flood Warnings, a vertical experiment, by OneSource, Consultoria Informática Lda.
  • ULTRA-FAB5G: Ultra Low Latency M2M communications for 5G enabled Fabrication System, a vertical experiment, by RIA STONE – FÁBRICA DE LOUÇA DE MESA EM GRÉS, S.A
  • SRS-B5G: Imagine B-5G srsRAN Platform Extension, a platform extension, by Software Radio Systems Limited

France Facility: 

  • ProSe-Serv: Enabling Proximity Services – A Server-based practical deployment, a vertical experiment, by HOPCAST
  • F-EXTENSION: Extension of the IMAGINE-B5G French platform, a platform extension, by Allbesmart LDA and CMSF-Sistemas de Informação LDA
  • CAMARA API: Extending IMAGINE-B5G framework & facilities, a platform extension, by Fingletek Oy, Finland

The consortium is planning to share more information about each project during the coming months. Stay updated through our website and social media!