The IMAGINE-B5G Spanish Facility representatives at IEEE PIMRC 2024


IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) took place in Valencia (Spain) 2-5 September. The symposium has become one of the two major conferences of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) in the field of wireless communications and networking, which makes many companies and projects strongly interested in showcasing the advances they […]

Meet LEOSED: a project by Huawei that was born after IMAGINE-B5G Open Call


In European rural areas, younger people tend to leave while elderly patients continue their lives there. Huawei explores remote care solutions for rural elderly patients without dramatically increasing the cost of digital devices. The Huawei LEOSED project is an Open Call project in IMAGINE-B5G which tests diagnostic devices, using Telenor R&Is advanced 5G testing facility. […]